Clogged Bathtub Drain Cleaning

A Bathtub Drain Clogged With Hair

Clog Clearing Expert

Along with showers and sinks, bathtubs are some of the most frequently clogged fixtures in your home. After soaking and relaxing in a long bath, the last thing you want to see is the bath water not draining because of a clog. This can be frustrating to say the least, especially if the clog is stubborn and resists attempts to unclog it using a plunger, a liquid drain cleaner or even some home remedy like baking soda and vinegar.

When you want to make sure the clog is cleared, you can always rely on the clogged tub services provided by the plumbing professionals at HC Edwards Plumbing. If you need clogged bathtub drain cleaning in Red Oak, TX and need a clog cleared quickly, give our team a call at 214-862-0225.

What Causes Clogs?

With bathtubs, more often than not, hair is the leading cause of clogged bathtubs. When hair goes down the drain, some of it gets stuck to the sides of the pipe, and over time, along with other materials, builds up until the drain becomes clogged. The residue left over from soap, or soap scum, as well as residue from hard water, also contributes to clogs. Soap scum and mineral deposits build up and solidify in the drain pipe, creating a blockage. More often than not, all of these materials combine to create major clogs in your bathtub’s drain. If your bathtub is clogged with any of this material, and you’re ready to have a professional plumbing contractor come in for clogged bathtub drain cleaning, give our team of experts a call at 214-862-0225.

Clearing Clogged Drains

While you may want to clear a clogged bathtub yourself, try to do so with a plunger, rather than a harsh chemical liquid cleaner. These cleaners can be effective, or they can cause the clog to worsen by causing materials to congeal, and repeated use can damage pipes. 

Schedule An Appointment

If you need a clogged bathtub drain cleaning in Red Oak, TX and want to get rid of the clog fast and effectively, get in touch with the clogged tub experts at HC Edwards Plumbing. Schedule an appointment by calling 214-862-0225.